looking to get more real estate closings?

The key to having more closings is to keep your pipeline full of leads and prospects at all times. And the key to THAT is to get in front of your target audience consistently.

Get more done in ONE MORNING than most agents get done in an entire week

How Familiar Are These?

Not Enough Leads

Leads are the lifeblood of your business, but no one is calling you. To make matters worse, making cold calls and following up with people who ghost you isn't moving the needle. Even the idea of making one more call makes you feel exhausted.

Feeling "Busy" All The Time

Every day, you find yourself going from one thing to another all day long. Yet, at the end of the day it feels like "nothing got done" because it was all busy work or putting out fires.


Instead of doing the activities that will attract buyers and sellers, you find yourself looking at the next shiny object, watching endless videos or reading articles, checking social media - always thinking you'll get to the important stuff in "just a minute."

But what if it didn't have to be this way?

Imagine this...

You wake up each morning with a sense of purpose. No more dreading the day ahead or feeling lost in a sea of tasks.

Instead, you have a clear, actionable plan. The first sip of your morning coffee tastes better because you know that today, you’re going to make real progress.

You sit down at your desk, and there’s no panic or overwhelm. You feel a sense of control and direction that you haven’t felt in a long time.

As you dive into your day, you notice the difference immediately. This isn’t just about getting things done; it’s about getting the right things done - the things that generate more leads (the ones who contact you, rather than the other way around).

As the day progresses, you start to see the fruits of your labor. Leads respond, appointments are set, and deals begin to move forward. You feel the momentum building. There’s a thrill in seeing your efforts pay off, and it motivates you to keep pushing forward.

Instead of ending your day exhausted and frustrated, you wrap up with a sense of satisfaction. You’ve achieved your goals for the day.

You take a moment to reflect on your progress. You’re not just busy; you’re productive. You’re not just working hard; you’re working smart. Each day, you’re moving closer to your goals, and you can see the tangible results in your growing business.

Imagine going to bed at night with a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind.

You know that tomorrow will bring more opportunities, and you’re ready to seize them.

No more anxiety about where your next lead will come from. No more feeling like you’re spinning your wheels.

You’re on a clear path to success, and each day is a step forward.

This is what it feels like to have clarity, focus, and control over your real estate business.

It All Comes Down To Doing Just One Thing

The most successful people know that the key to a successful business (in any industry) lies in having a clear idea of what needs to get done each day - THEN DOING IT.

"Doing" is the key - that's the "one thing" - taking action on what matters most.

For real estate agents, it might be posting a video with helpful homeowner tips to establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource. The next day, it might be specifically asking people to reach out to you if they're ready to buy or sell so you can give them the benefit of your expertise.

For us, doing the most important tasks means consistently doing lead generating activities every...single...day. Remember - people only want to work with agents they KNOW - LIKE - and TRUST. What will give you the highest return on your time and efforts is giving people the opportunity to get to know you.

Talking to each person individually not only takes a ton of time and a lot of effort - it also means you miss 99% of the people who actually need to hear from you. That's why cold calling and reaching out to Expired listings and FSBOs gets such poor results. Often, the very first interaction you have with them is negative, because no one likes to have a sales person call and try to sell them.

Instead, you can build the KNOW - LIKE - and TRUST factor with hundreds, or even thousands, of people by getting seen and heard often. We're fortunate that we have the means to do that quickly and easily in today's tech-driven world.

Putting content on your website and on social media - especially video - then sending "traffic" to it - lets you reach the people who are going to be buying or selling - either now or in the future. You'll be able to reach a combination of both, so you're not relying on catching someone at just the right moment.

The goal is to get them to call you and ask for your help and expertise.


  • Become known in your market area by creating social media posts daily so you're engaging with your audience (the "know" factor)

  • Grow your database of contacts and expand your SOI by boosting social media posts - even $1 per day makes a difference over time if you do it consistently

  • Build your authority position as a real estate expert by adding helpful content to your website or blog every week - so potential clients see that you're knowledgeable and helpful (the "trust" factor)

  • Make potential clients fall in love with you - by creating weekly videos so people get to see you and your personality, giving them an opportunity to feel like they know you personally (the "like" factor)

  • Expand your reach by sending a newsletter - digital or printed - so you can build long-term relationships with clients and prospects by consistently providing valuable market insights and expertise, which keeps you top-of-mind for future transactions (both "know and trust")

These things don't have to take nearly as long as most agents think. If you use the right tools and resources - along with someone to show you how - you can get all of this done in just a couple of hours a day (preferably first thing in the morning before anything else has a chance to derail your day).

Knowing that you need to do all of this is one thing...but getting yourself to take action isn't easy.

Maybe you stare at a blank computer screen, with no idea where to begin.

Maybe you have no idea what to post.

Creating blog content or a newsletter makes your head spin.

And you've discovered that making a "to do" list doesn't actually make you "do" it.

Fortunately, There's An Easy Solution

Meet Your New Accountability Partner

If you've never heard of "body doubling" before, it's about to become your new secret weapon!

Body doubling is a technique where you tackle your most important work with an "accountability partner," either in person or virtually.

We've created an online shared space where you log in and work on one task at a time in uninterrupted 1-hour time blocks. Before you begin each session, you'll state what you're going to be working on - and what you're going to get accomplished during that 1-hour block. You're making a commitment to yourself - but sharing it publicly so you're held accountable.

You'll be doing your work alongside other real estate agents who are also working on their most important tasks (muted, so no one can hear you).

Your accountability partners are there to keep you company and help you stay on track, providing a chill, non-judgmental vibe. They won't do your work for you, but their presence helps create a focused environment and adds a bit of friendly accountability.

This can help you kick procrastination to the curb, boost your concentration, and help you accomplish the most important tasks to move your real estate business forward.

Proof From Actual Research Studies Shows That Body Doubling Helps

But That's Just The Beginning!

Being focused doesn't help if you don't know what to do. So we're helping with that, too!

Daily Social Media Post Ideas

Daily posting on social media sites can help keep you front and center with your audience.

But it shouldn't be all about promotion - otherwise the audience tunes you out.

Skilled marketers know that you should include at least 3 non-promotional posts for every 1 that promotes your services.

These should help people get to know you, learn what's important to you, and give them an idea of your values.

Every day, we'll give you some ideas - and we'll even provide one for you that you can customize and personalize.

We'll also show you how to turn the idea into a compelling post quickly and easily.

Weekly Blog Post Content

Yes, people still read blog articles (especially when you combine the written text with video).

But it can't be cookie-cutter content that everyone else shares. You want to play to the search engines, too. Otherwise, your website will remain in obscurity - relying 100% on you to promote it.

The search engines LOVE consistent new content! So we're helping with that.

Every week, you'll get an outline for a blog post. Then, we'll show you how to add your own local information and relevance.

Next, you'll use our special ChatGPT tool to create a post that's completely unique to you, using your brand's voice and personality, along with the local information you want to include. It will finish by creating a custom image for you (just like the ones on this page) - or you can use your own photos or videos.

You choose how far-reaching you want it to be. Are you focusing on just one or two neighborhoods? Or do you want to extend it for a greater reach to a larger community or city?

Either way, you'll be able to use these tools to create custom content that will be search-engine friendly, while also appealing to your target audience....

For even more impact, you can use your newly created blog post to create a video! The topic and content are already done for you.

QR Codes For Listings So You Can Capture Cell Phone Numbers Instantly

We'll create 3 QR codes for you to use on listing signs, printed postcards - wherever you want!

But these aren't just generic codes that take people to your website - these are different!

Instead of directing people to your website, these will send you a text asking for information on a property listing (which means you can capture their cell phone number AND begin a conversation)!

Try the sample code here to see it in action for yourself.

You'll get 3 (for 3 active listings at a time). You can reuse them as many times as you want.

So - What's The Cost For ALL Of This?

With everything that's included - we could easily charge hundreds of dollars every month.

But that's not who we are...we want to make it easier to generate leads and build a thriving real estate business.

You get EVERYTHING for less than $2/day ($47/month) - and you can cancel anytime

It's like having your own PRODUCTIVITY COACH and your own MARKETING ASSISTANT for just $47/month!

But it gets even better!

This is a brand new offer, so we're looking for Founding Members to help us get started.

  • The first 10 agents to sign up get LIFETIME ACCESS FOR FREE

  • The next 10 agents receive LIFETIME ACCESS FOR JUST $27/month

  • After that, it's just $47/month for LIFE (even if we raise the price in the future)



Daily Accountability Workspace

State what you're going to accomplish

Join a live call if you want

Create your own live call and invite others

Social Media Ideas For Daily Posts

Let people see who you are, what's important to you - or just show something fun and engaging

Weekly Blog Content

Use our outline and our special ChatGPT tool to create your own unique post that's specific to your target market

3 Custom QR Codes

Use these on listings to capture contact phone numbers and start a text conversation Reusable codes

All Of This For Just $47/month

No contracts, no commitments - cancel any time*

*Your subscription will cancel at the end of your current monthly billing cycle

Copyright 2024 - I Like Small Biz, LLC (dba Automated Real Estate Agent)- All Rights Reserved